You Never Have to Hold Any Cards
The instructions for all games are downloadable below each game.
You Never Have to Hold Any Cards
The instructions for all games are downloadable below each game.
(2-6 players - paper and pencil needed for scoring)
“A Unique Challenging Multiple Strategy Card Game that Plays like a Board Game"
and where winners and losers can change places in a split second”
(if you think the instructions are too long, you should check out the
6 full pages of 8 pt. rules for the monopoly game)
(2-6 players - paper and pencil needed for scoring)
“A Unique Challenging Multiple Strategy Card Game that Plays like a Board Game"
and where winners and losers can change places in a split second”
(if you think the instructions are too long, you should check out the
6 full pages of 8 pt. rules for the monopoly game)
GITMO Game Board Set-Up
Instructions For Game 1 - Gitmo
NOTE: There is a bonus 5th game that can be played with the 24 Traitor cards only, and might be fun to play BEFORE you play the rest of the games. This can be used as a MIXER GAME at a party with a group of up to 24 patriot-friends. Give one or more of the Traitor cards to each guest and they can take turns reading their card. Since the 24 traitor names (used for all the games) are disguised, it would be fun to have each person (or the group as a whole) try to figure out who the traitor is that the 'disguised' name actually refers to. Some are fairly obvious, but others need more 'untangling.' Go through the 24 traitor names one by one and award a prize to the one who gets the most correct answers (revealed in the downloadable checklist forms used in the Escaped Game or in the list included in the game box).
The Basic Deck (Gold logo on back of cards) contains 58 cards - 24 Patriot cards, 24 Traitor cards and 8 Bonus cards (1 Trump, 1 Gitmo, 1 Alliance and 1 Whistleblower as well as 6 "Draw A Cards". The Special Ops deck (Gold and Green logo) has 41 cards. BOTH DECKS ARE USED IN THIS GAME. There are 5 additional blank cards to be used as suggested herein.
To be the player who collects the most Patriot cards, regardless of the point value shown on the card. (Steve says, “if you git mo patriot cards than everyone else, you win the game”.) All Patriot and Traitor cards are numbered 1 - 12 and these numbers are used to build runs, but are NOT used in scoring. In other words, the #'s 1 - 12 have no point value for winning the game. Instead, all Patriot cards are worth one positive point and all Traitor cards are ‘negative’ 1 point. Players should try to accumulate runs of Patriot cards and try to send as many Traitors to Gitmo as they can*. Players total and record their points at the end of each HAND (when the deck runs out), subtracting the number of Traitor cards from the number of Patriot cards and adding in or subtracting any ‘bonus’ or SO cards they have accumulated. When all players have had one turn to deal a hand, the ROUND ends and the points from each hand are totaled to determine the winner of the round. Players can agree to play any number of ROUNDS before a final GAME winner is determined (player with highest overall point total). * Gitmo is the short name for the U.S. Prison at Guantanamo Bay.
(Set aside the Special Ops deck, face down to be used as a DRAW pile by players who receive a 'Draw-A-Card' during the hand.) After shuffling the Basic Deck (58 cards), dealer deals one card at a time, face up, to each player beginning on his/her left. All cards are dealt face up on the table and remain face up on the table throughout play. The number of cards dealt to each player is determined by the number of players at the table:
2 – 3 Players get 4 cards each, 4 players get 3 cards each, and 5- 6 Players get 2 cards each.
When playing with only 2 – 3 players, it is suggested that you remove 2 or 3 of the ‘draw’ cards from the Basic deck and play with only 3 or 4 ‘draw-a-cards’ instead of all 6.
When dealing is complete, dealer should allow any player who receives a 'Draw-A-Card' to remove the card and follow its directions, and then replace that card with another card from the deck before play can begin (Complete directions for all Bonus or SO cards are in the next section). Likewise, if a player receives a Whistle Blower or Alliance card, they can set it aside and get a replacement card. If a Trump or Gitmo card is in the initial deal, player can move either of them onto another card in their hand so as to create a vacant spot that can then be filled before play begins. After all players have only patriot and/or traitor cards in their hand, the rest of the deck is placed face up directly in front of the player to the left of the dealer who begins playing (see Playing below). As play progresses, the deck is moved and placed in front of each player to the left in turn. (This reminds players whose turn it is in case play is interrupted.)
NOTE: There is a bonus 5th game that can be played with the 24 Traitor cards only, and might be fun to play BEFORE you play the rest of the games. This can be used as a MIXER GAME at a party with a group of up to 24 patriot-friends. Give one or more of the Traitor cards to each guest and they can take turns reading their card. Since the 24 traitor names (used for all the games) are disguised, it would be fun to have each person (or the group as a whole) try to figure out who the traitor is that the 'disguised' name actually refers to. Some are fairly obvious, but others need more 'untangling.' Go through the 24 traitor names one by one and award a prize to the one who gets the most correct answers (revealed in the downloadable checklist forms used in the Escaped Game or in the list included in the game box).
The Basic Deck (Gold logo on back of cards) contains 58 cards - 24 Patriot cards, 24 Traitor cards and 8 Bonus cards (1 Trump, 1 Gitmo, 1 Alliance and 1 Whistleblower as well as 6 "Draw A Cards". The Special Ops deck (Gold and Green logo) has 41 cards. BOTH DECKS ARE USED IN THIS GAME. There are 5 additional blank cards to be used as suggested herein.
To be the player who collects the most Patriot cards, regardless of the point value shown on the card. (Steve says, “if you git mo patriot cards than everyone else, you win the game”.) All Patriot and Traitor cards are numbered 1 - 12 and these numbers are used to build runs, but are NOT used in scoring. In other words, the #'s 1 - 12 have no point value for winning the game. Instead, all Patriot cards are worth one positive point and all Traitor cards are ‘negative’ 1 point. Players should try to accumulate runs of Patriot cards and try to send as many Traitors to Gitmo as they can*. Players total and record their points at the end of each HAND (when the deck runs out), subtracting the number of Traitor cards from the number of Patriot cards and adding in or subtracting any ‘bonus’ or SO cards they have accumulated. When all players have had one turn to deal a hand, the ROUND ends and the points from each hand are totaled to determine the winner of the round. Players can agree to play any number of ROUNDS before a final GAME winner is determined (player with highest overall point total). * Gitmo is the short name for the U.S. Prison at Guantanamo Bay.
(Set aside the Special Ops deck, face down to be used as a DRAW pile by players who receive a 'Draw-A-Card' during the hand.) After shuffling the Basic Deck (58 cards), dealer deals one card at a time, face up, to each player beginning on his/her left. All cards are dealt face up on the table and remain face up on the table throughout play. The number of cards dealt to each player is determined by the number of players at the table:
2 – 3 Players get 4 cards each, 4 players get 3 cards each, and 5- 6 Players get 2 cards each.
When playing with only 2 – 3 players, it is suggested that you remove 2 or 3 of the ‘draw’ cards from the Basic deck and play with only 3 or 4 ‘draw-a-cards’ instead of all 6.
When dealing is complete, dealer should allow any player who receives a 'Draw-A-Card' to remove the card and follow its directions, and then replace that card with another card from the deck before play can begin (Complete directions for all Bonus or SO cards are in the next section). Likewise, if a player receives a Whistle Blower or Alliance card, they can set it aside and get a replacement card. If a Trump or Gitmo card is in the initial deal, player can move either of them onto another card in their hand so as to create a vacant spot that can then be filled before play begins. After all players have only patriot and/or traitor cards in their hand, the rest of the deck is placed face up directly in front of the player to the left of the dealer who begins playing (see Playing below). As play progresses, the deck is moved and placed in front of each player to the left in turn. (This reminds players whose turn it is in case play is interrupted.)
During a hand, vacant spots may be created when the current Player takes/steals cards or runs from opponents. These will be replenished BY THE DEALER, only when the current player ‘resigns’ (announces that he/she has no more moves). At this time, the dealer will fill in all of the vacant spots, one card to each player, beginning with player to the left and progressing around the table until all spots have been re-filled, at which time deck is placed in front of the next player who begins his/her turn.
NOTE: No player can move any card at any time, even in their own hand, except when it is their turn to play.
The following items are OPTIONAL:
Players can choose whether or not to use the “a card laid is a card played” rule;
Players can also choose whether or not to ‘help’ opponents who may be missing a play;
If the last card in the deck is used by the dealer to refill a vacant spot, the player who was next can take a final turn if player has any moves, and when he/she is finished, the hand is over.
NOTE: No player can move any card at any time, even in their own hand, except when it is their turn to play.
The following items are OPTIONAL:
Players can choose whether or not to use the “a card laid is a card played” rule;
Players can also choose whether or not to ‘help’ opponents who may be missing a play;
If the last card in the deck is used by the dealer to refill a vacant spot, the player who was next can take a final turn if player has any moves, and when he/she is finished, the hand is over.
Play begins with the player to the left of the dealer, who will attempt to build RUNS** using his/her own hand, plus the card that is face up on top of the deck, and any cards that are eligible to be taken from other players (see ELIGIBLE CARDS***). Player can also discard undesirable cards from his/her OWN hand or the card on top of the deck by placing them into the hands of other players. Player is NOT allowed to move cards from one player's hand to another player's hand. No one else can make any moves until it is their turn.
It is advisable for Player to survey all the cards on the table before playing their hand. (Experienced players will develop various strategies to help them win.)
Player can begin in one of the following ways, in any order desired:
1) Players can SWITCH 'eligible cards' in their own HAND from one row/run to another as long as they are placed in numerical order –I.E., if a Player is dealt a 9 and 10, Player could, during his/her turn only, place the 9 below the 10, building a 2-card RUN in one row, and leaving a vacant spot in the other row, which is immediately refilled from the top card on the deck.
This then opens up additional opportunities to play and also presents a new card on top of the deck which may then be entered into play. (During your turn, it is wise to use as many cards from the deck as possible because this may lead to a valuable bonus card still remaining in the deck. Also, if you are in a position to 'use up' the deck, the game will end and no opponent will have a chance to steal your cards!)
2) In addition to filling his/her own newly vacated spots from the deck, Player can continue removing cards from the top of the deck at any time during his/her turn as long as the card is used to fill his/her own vacant spot or can be placed either in one of his/her own RUNS, or placed in the run of an opponent. Players can build from the TOP or the BOTTOM of their rows to build longer RUNS. (In our example, player needs an 8 or 11, or a run beginning with an 8 going down or an 11 going up, for his first run [or both an 8 AND 11, if both are available]. If player filled the vacant spot with a 12, for example, he/she then needs an 11 or a 1 [or both] to add to the 12 he just drew - 11 goes down BELOW the 12, the 1 goes up ABOVE the 12 - same principle as Solitaire).
3) Another possible move is to TAKE cards from other players or ‘get rid of’ Traitor cards by placing them onto the runs of opponents (if they fit). (As expertise develops, one may even choose to strategically 'give away' a Patriot card.) Player can take any whole run (of any length, whether it runs from bottom to top OR top to bottom) or any single card from an opponent that is by itself, as long as it can be used to enhance a card or run in player's own hand. Players may NOT remove just one card or a partial run from any opponent’s run. (In our example, to play on the 12, player can search opponent’s hands for an 11 or a 1 or a run beginning with an 11 going down or a 1 going up, but can not break up any run by removing one card or a card from the middle of opponent’s run. And, he/she can also continue taking cards from the top of the deck that can be used appropriately, until there are no more moves.)
4) As player exposes cards on the deck, one by one, and comes across a card he/she cannot use, player may ‘discard’ it, if it fits, into an opponent’s run in order to expose another card on the deck beneath it. Player should attempt to ‘get rid of’ as many traitor cards as possible from the deck and their own hand (including a whole run) by ‘discarding’ them to an opponent when they fit the opponent’s run. Player continues making moves until Player no longer has any possible plays. Once a Player has no further moves, their turn ends. Dealer fills vacant spots all around, and play moves to the next player on the left.
NOTE: If all players take a turn and no player is able to make a move, dealer shall put the top deck card onto the bottom of the deck, revealing a new card, and play moves to the next player.
Play begins with the player to the left of the dealer, who will attempt to build RUNS** using his/her own hand, plus the card that is face up on top of the deck, and any cards that are eligible to be taken from other players (see ELIGIBLE CARDS***). Player can also discard undesirable cards from his/her OWN hand or the card on top of the deck by placing them into the hands of other players. Player is NOT allowed to move cards from one player's hand to another player's hand. No one else can make any moves until it is their turn.
It is advisable for Player to survey all the cards on the table before playing their hand. (Experienced players will develop various strategies to help them win.)
Player can begin in one of the following ways, in any order desired:
1) Players can SWITCH 'eligible cards' in their own HAND from one row/run to another as long as they are placed in numerical order –I.E., if a Player is dealt a 9 and 10, Player could, during his/her turn only, place the 9 below the 10, building a 2-card RUN in one row, and leaving a vacant spot in the other row, which is immediately refilled from the top card on the deck.
This then opens up additional opportunities to play and also presents a new card on top of the deck which may then be entered into play. (During your turn, it is wise to use as many cards from the deck as possible because this may lead to a valuable bonus card still remaining in the deck. Also, if you are in a position to 'use up' the deck, the game will end and no opponent will have a chance to steal your cards!)
2) In addition to filling his/her own newly vacated spots from the deck, Player can continue removing cards from the top of the deck at any time during his/her turn as long as the card is used to fill his/her own vacant spot or can be placed either in one of his/her own RUNS, or placed in the run of an opponent. Players can build from the TOP or the BOTTOM of their rows to build longer RUNS. (In our example, player needs an 8 or 11, or a run beginning with an 8 going down or an 11 going up, for his first run [or both an 8 AND 11, if both are available]. If player filled the vacant spot with a 12, for example, he/she then needs an 11 or a 1 [or both] to add to the 12 he just drew - 11 goes down BELOW the 12, the 1 goes up ABOVE the 12 - same principle as Solitaire).
3) Another possible move is to TAKE cards from other players or ‘get rid of’ Traitor cards by placing them onto the runs of opponents (if they fit). (As expertise develops, one may even choose to strategically 'give away' a Patriot card.) Player can take any whole run (of any length, whether it runs from bottom to top OR top to bottom) or any single card from an opponent that is by itself, as long as it can be used to enhance a card or run in player's own hand. Players may NOT remove just one card or a partial run from any opponent’s run. (In our example, to play on the 12, player can search opponent’s hands for an 11 or a 1 or a run beginning with an 11 going down or a 1 going up, but can not break up any run by removing one card or a card from the middle of opponent’s run. And, he/she can also continue taking cards from the top of the deck that can be used appropriately, until there are no more moves.)
4) As player exposes cards on the deck, one by one, and comes across a card he/she cannot use, player may ‘discard’ it, if it fits, into an opponent’s run in order to expose another card on the deck beneath it. Player should attempt to ‘get rid of’ as many traitor cards as possible from the deck and their own hand (including a whole run) by ‘discarding’ them to an opponent when they fit the opponent’s run. Player continues making moves until Player no longer has any possible plays. Once a Player has no further moves, their turn ends. Dealer fills vacant spots all around, and play moves to the next player on the left.
NOTE: If all players take a turn and no player is able to make a move, dealer shall put the top deck card onto the bottom of the deck, revealing a new card, and play moves to the next player.
**WHAT IS A 'RUN' - Any number of cards placed in numerical order going either up or down. A run (row) can be a combination of patriot and traitor cards, or you can play another version of the game where all runs must be patriot cards only or traitor cards only (playing this way makes the game more difficult and it will last longer). A run can continue on, repeating the cards over and over, and it is even possible for 1 player to accumulate 1 long run that contains all 24 of the Patriot cards or all 24 of the Traitor cards in the deck. (It is possible for the 1st or 2nd player in any hand to get lucky and win the hand before players 3 or 4 even get a turn, so that's why it's important to give each person a chance to deal in the total GAME, so all players get the same opportunity to be the first player and maybe 'get lucky' and accumulate a lot of points.)
*** WHAT ARE 'ELIGIBLE' CARDS – Any single card can be taken, or the bottom card on any run, or an entire run either from top down, or bottom up. No other cards can be taken out of someone's run. The only ‘Bonus’ card that can be taken is the “Gitmo” card (see Gitmo card rules below). Player may choose at any time to take a card or an open run (one with no “Trump” card) from another player as long as he has a place to use it (it cannot be placed on a vacant spot – only the top deck card can be used to fill a vacant spot, and then only by the current player during his/her turn).
*** WHAT ARE 'ELIGIBLE' CARDS – Any single card can be taken, or the bottom card on any run, or an entire run either from top down, or bottom up. No other cards can be taken out of someone's run. The only ‘Bonus’ card that can be taken is the “Gitmo” card (see Gitmo card rules below). Player may choose at any time to take a card or an open run (one with no “Trump” card) from another player as long as he has a place to use it (it cannot be placed on a vacant spot – only the top deck card can be used to fill a vacant spot, and then only by the current player during his/her turn).
If any Bonus card or 'Draw A Card' appears at the top of the deck during a Player’s turn, it belongs to that Player.
The Trump card is a “save” card and protects any run upon which it is placed, meaning no opponent can ever take a run that is protected by a Trump card. The Trump card can be moved from run to run by the player only when it is his/her turn, except when dealt the card during the initial deal for that hand. In that case, Player receiving this card can immediately place it onto either a Patriot or Traitor card, which it then protects, and request an additional card from the dealer to replace the empty spot. It cannot be moved again until it is that player’s turn to play. A player can 'lift up' the Trump card on one of his own runs, in his own hand only, to add additional cards to the run at any time.
The Jesus Saves Card is also a "save" card that protects the run from being stolen by an opponent. However, there are several differences - OTHER players CAN ADD either Patriot or Traitor cards into this run (where eligible chronologically), but they may not remove any cards or take the run. This card DOES NOT send any traitors in this run to Gitmo (I guess you could say God is giving these particular traitors one more chance to repent and be saved, but you still have to count the traitor cards as a negative 1 point each). BUT THEN, this card also gives the receiver a blessing of 12 additional points at the end of the hand (for being so forgiving?).
The Gitmo, Justice and Tribunal cards (G, J and T cards) can be placed on any run, like the Trump card, and these cards all send the Traitor cards in that run directly to Gitmo at the end of the hand, thus the negative Traitor cards in that run are NOT counted against the positive Patriot cards when scoring.
While the Trump card and the run it protects can never be taken (or added to) by another player, the G, J and T cards CAN be taken (or added to) by the current player. However, player can only take one of these cards if it is in a run that contains at least 2 other cards and those cards must fit into one of player’s runs. Thus, the G, J or T card GOES WITH the run and may be stolen by numerous players over the course of a hand. A player can, during their turn, ‘discard’ any unwanted traitor cards into another players hand, including into a G, J or T run, as long as it fits chronologically into that run. If a player is able to take an opponents run that has a G,J or T card on it, that card goes with the run. During a Player’s turn, the G, J and T cards can be switched back and forth between a Player’s own rows to send the most Traitors possible to Gitmo at the end of the hand. If a player, during his/her turn, wishes to move an entire run in their hand INTO an opponent's run with a G, J or T card, only an entire run can be moved to the new run and it must fit into the new run.
The Whistleblower card, if received at initial dealing or later during play, is immediately set aside, by player who receives it, and dealer replaces it with another card. At the end of the hand player can add the extra 10 points from this card into their score for that hand.
The “Alliance” card can also be ‘set aside’ when received by a player who can then request a replacement card from the dealer. It can be brought back into play when needed, to be used as a wild card to replace any other card in a run. I.E., A player who has an “Alliance” card, but needs a 4, for example, to continue building a run, can use the “Alliance” card in place of the 4 and continue building the run. However, once the “Alliance” card is placed within a run as a wild card, it cannot be removed from that run, but becomes part of the run and thus can be taken along with that run by an opponent.
Draw-A-Cards: The deck also contains 6 of these. When player gets one, they must draw a card from the Special Ops deck, read it aloud and do what it instructs before resuming any possible plays they still have.
Special Ops Cards: Any players who are dealt a ‘draw a card’ before play begins, must wait until all cards are dealt to all players.
Then, beginning with the player in order from the left, those who have a ‘draw a card’ must draw one from the special ops deck, read the drawn card aloud, and then follow the directions on the SO card. The resulting empty spot is then filled, by the dealer, with another card from the deck.
If any Bonus card or 'Draw A Card' appears at the top of the deck during a Player’s turn, it belongs to that Player.
The Trump card is a “save” card and protects any run upon which it is placed, meaning no opponent can ever take a run that is protected by a Trump card. The Trump card can be moved from run to run by the player only when it is his/her turn, except when dealt the card during the initial deal for that hand. In that case, Player receiving this card can immediately place it onto either a Patriot or Traitor card, which it then protects, and request an additional card from the dealer to replace the empty spot. It cannot be moved again until it is that player’s turn to play. A player can 'lift up' the Trump card on one of his own runs, in his own hand only, to add additional cards to the run at any time.
The Jesus Saves Card is also a "save" card that protects the run from being stolen by an opponent. However, there are several differences - OTHER players CAN ADD either Patriot or Traitor cards into this run (where eligible chronologically), but they may not remove any cards or take the run. This card DOES NOT send any traitors in this run to Gitmo (I guess you could say God is giving these particular traitors one more chance to repent and be saved, but you still have to count the traitor cards as a negative 1 point each). BUT THEN, this card also gives the receiver a blessing of 12 additional points at the end of the hand (for being so forgiving?).
The Gitmo, Justice and Tribunal cards (G, J and T cards) can be placed on any run, like the Trump card, and these cards all send the Traitor cards in that run directly to Gitmo at the end of the hand, thus the negative Traitor cards in that run are NOT counted against the positive Patriot cards when scoring.
While the Trump card and the run it protects can never be taken (or added to) by another player, the G, J and T cards CAN be taken (or added to) by the current player. However, player can only take one of these cards if it is in a run that contains at least 2 other cards and those cards must fit into one of player’s runs. Thus, the G, J or T card GOES WITH the run and may be stolen by numerous players over the course of a hand. A player can, during their turn, ‘discard’ any unwanted traitor cards into another players hand, including into a G, J or T run, as long as it fits chronologically into that run. If a player is able to take an opponents run that has a G,J or T card on it, that card goes with the run. During a Player’s turn, the G, J and T cards can be switched back and forth between a Player’s own rows to send the most Traitors possible to Gitmo at the end of the hand. If a player, during his/her turn, wishes to move an entire run in their hand INTO an opponent's run with a G, J or T card, only an entire run can be moved to the new run and it must fit into the new run.
The Whistleblower card, if received at initial dealing or later during play, is immediately set aside, by player who receives it, and dealer replaces it with another card. At the end of the hand player can add the extra 10 points from this card into their score for that hand.
The “Alliance” card can also be ‘set aside’ when received by a player who can then request a replacement card from the dealer. It can be brought back into play when needed, to be used as a wild card to replace any other card in a run. I.E., A player who has an “Alliance” card, but needs a 4, for example, to continue building a run, can use the “Alliance” card in place of the 4 and continue building the run. However, once the “Alliance” card is placed within a run as a wild card, it cannot be removed from that run, but becomes part of the run and thus can be taken along with that run by an opponent.
Draw-A-Cards: The deck also contains 6 of these. When player gets one, they must draw a card from the Special Ops deck, read it aloud and do what it instructs before resuming any possible plays they still have.
Special Ops Cards: Any players who are dealt a ‘draw a card’ before play begins, must wait until all cards are dealt to all players.
Then, beginning with the player in order from the left, those who have a ‘draw a card’ must draw one from the special ops deck, read the drawn card aloud, and then follow the directions on the SO card. The resulting empty spot is then filled, by the dealer, with another card from the deck.
Playing with Partners: Partners help each other build their RUNS and during either partner’s turn, they can switch their cards, runs or even the “Trump” card back and forth as needed. Players can still fill their own vacant spots during their turn, but not their partner’s vacant spots. Partners combine their total points at the end of each HAND and at the end of the ROUND. At the end of each ROUND, if there are multiple tables, the winning partners move UP to the next table, the losing partners remain at the present table, and all of them pair up with different partners for the next ROUND.
Download Gitmo Game Instructions
Download Gitmo Game Instructions
Instructions For Game 2 - 'ESCAPED' (3-8 players, ages 'readers' and up)
One of the prisoners at Guantanamo Bay Prison has escaped ! ! ! Since the rest of the prisoners at Gitmo are all liars and deceivers, they are covering up for the escapee. So the only way we can figure out who has escaped is by a process of elimination.
THE PATRIOTS NEED YOUR HELP ! Each of you will need two things to do your investigation –
a pencil and a copy of the Escaped ‘Checklist below
One of the prisoners at Guantanamo Bay Prison has escaped ! ! ! Since the rest of the prisoners at Gitmo are all liars and deceivers, they are covering up for the escapee. So the only way we can figure out who has escaped is by a process of elimination.
THE PATRIOTS NEED YOUR HELP ! Each of you will need two things to do your investigation –
a pencil and a copy of the Escaped ‘Checklist below
The object of the Game is to be the first to identify the missing prisoner.
Each player needs a pencil and 1 check list cut from the Escaped Checklist Form, which also contains the real names of the Traitors, in case you can't figure out who they are.
Only the 24 Traitor cards from the Basic Deck are needed for this game.
Have one player select a card from the shuffled deck of 24 Traitor cards, and discreetly place that card face down in the center of the table. That will be the missing prisoner.
Dealer then deals out all the rest of the cards to each player, face down. All cards remain face down throughout play. If there is an uneven number of cards dealt, it doesn’t matter as cards will soon be ‘traveling’ around from player to player. If only 1 player is short a card (which is what happens with 4 players, as shown in the set-up diagram above), that player gets to play first.
Players discreetly look at and check off each of the Traitor cards they have been dealt on their suspect list, thus eliminating those traitors from being the missing prisoner. Then they arrange their cards in two rows face down in front of them, as shown in diagram above).
Player 1 randomly selects 1 card that is in front of any other player and slides it discreetly to themself, looks at the card, checks it off their suspect card and then places that card in one of his own two rows. Note: Always keep your suspect card face down on the table so nobody can see your progress and discreetly pick it up to check off each Traitor card (Players should maintain 2 rows throughout play and are not allowed to ‘shuffle’ their cards around to try to deceive other players.)
All players follow suit selecting one card discreetly from any other player, checking it off their suspect card and then putting it among their own cards face down. Players continue checking off traitors on their suspect card, until someone believes they know the identity of the missing prisoner. This might be when any player has solid evidence after checking off 23 traitor cards, or it may be that one player has only a few unchecked traitors and wants to jump the gun (at anytime in the game when it's their turn) and take a chance at naming the missing prisoner.
After player (on their turn) says they know the escaped traitor they believe to be in the middle, that player looks discreetly at the card, and if they are correct, they win the game. If not, the player places the card back in the middle and does not reveal the name, and is now out of the game. Remaining players continue until someone is successful in identifying the missing prisoner.
Download Rules for Escaped and Checklist Below
Instructions for Game 3 - ‘CAPTURED' (Up to 6 players)
Game of Chance
Game of Chance
To play Captured, remove all 6 of the "Draw" cards and the following 11 cards from the Basic deck and the Special Ops deck (because they don't apply in this game): Gitmo, Alliance, Tribunal, Justice, False Flag, Deep State, Jesus, Truth, Scotus, Conspiracy and Grand Jury. OPTIONAL use of Trump card: you can choose to leave the Trump card in this game, and if so, posession of it at the end of the game nullifies any negative cards in a player's stash when scores are tallied.
Separate the remaining cards into two decks, a Patriot Deck (all Patriot FACE cards) and a Board Deck (all the Traitor cards and remaining Special Ops cards).
Shuffle both decks. Taking 20 cards from the top of the Board Deck and laying them face up, spread them out around the table like the pattern shown above, choosing 1 card as the ‘start’ card (this card is the starting point for all players).
Place remaining Board Deck face down in the center to be used as 'replacement' cards as play progresses. The Patriot Deck is placed there face UP so that the picture and numbers are showing.
This is a game of chance. It’s a card game played like a board game. The object of the game is to capture as many traitors as you can. Each traitor card counts as 1 point at the end of the game, however the player with the most traitor cards gets an additional 100 pts. All traitor cards are to be read aloud before placing in your 'stash.' The Special Ops cards are also to be read aloud and instructions followed where applicable (i.e., add 5 pts to your score, or ‘lose your next turn’, etc.), and then ‘Stashed’ by player to be figured into the player's score at the end of the game. Your total score will be the total number of your traitor cards plus or minus the numbers on the other special ops cards you ‘pick up’ during the game (plus the bonus 100 pts to the player with the most traitors).
Separate the remaining cards into two decks, a Patriot Deck (all Patriot FACE cards) and a Board Deck (all the Traitor cards and remaining Special Ops cards).
Shuffle both decks. Taking 20 cards from the top of the Board Deck and laying them face up, spread them out around the table like the pattern shown above, choosing 1 card as the ‘start’ card (this card is the starting point for all players).
Place remaining Board Deck face down in the center to be used as 'replacement' cards as play progresses. The Patriot Deck is placed there face UP so that the picture and numbers are showing.
This is a game of chance. It’s a card game played like a board game. The object of the game is to capture as many traitors as you can. Each traitor card counts as 1 point at the end of the game, however the player with the most traitor cards gets an additional 100 pts. All traitor cards are to be read aloud before placing in your 'stash.' The Special Ops cards are also to be read aloud and instructions followed where applicable (i.e., add 5 pts to your score, or ‘lose your next turn’, etc.), and then ‘Stashed’ by player to be figured into the player's score at the end of the game. Your total score will be the total number of your traitor cards plus or minus the numbers on the other special ops cards you ‘pick up’ during the game (plus the bonus 100 pts to the player with the most traitors).
Each player then chooses 1 Patriot card from the Patriot Deck, to be their new identity throughout the game, and from this point forward all players must call this person by their Patriot name. The remaining Patriot cards are set in the center of the table face up (numbers up) to be drawn from as play progresses. If any player forgets and calls a person by their real name, they must pay a penalty. (They must show their entire 'stash' to the person who 'caught' them, and that accuser can then take any one card of their choice.) (See also if 2 players land on the same spot below)
Play begins with the player to the left of the Start card.
Building Your Stash (all the cards you capture during the game)
Player 1, (i.e. Patrick Byrne) looks at the top card from the Patriot deck, and beginning at the Start Card, uses the number on that card (1 – 12), to move himself that number of spaces clockwise around the board. Wherever he lands, he must set his player card there, pick up the card he landed on, read it aloud, follow the parts that are applicable to this game, and then place the card in his stash.. ‘Patrick” leaves his card in that spot until his next turn, and a designated player immediately refills that empty spot with the top card from the Board deck, so the next player landing there will get a new card. Then the designated player also places the Patriot card (number Patrick just used to move) on the bottom of the Patriot deck so the number can be reused as play progresses.
Play goes to the left. Each player begins at the same Start Card, uses the number on the Patriot card and moves appropriately, ‘stashing’ the card they land on. If 2 players land on the same spot, the and player takes the new card that has been placed there, but 1st player there gets to ‘choose’ 1 card from 2nd player’s ‘stash’ just as described above.
As play progresses, the Board deck will run out, and then players continue moving around the board landing only on the remaining cards, which will keep diminishing as players remove them at each turn, while 'skipping over' other player's cards since they are not considered spaces to land on. The final remaining card goes to the last person to play and then the game is over and players determine their scores. More players result in smaller scores, so you may opt to give the person with the most traitor cards a smaller number of points at the end of the hand (i.e. 50 points for the most traitors instead of 100).
Each player then chooses 1 Patriot card from the Patriot Deck, to be their new identity throughout the game, and from this point forward all players must call this person by their Patriot name. The remaining Patriot cards are set in the center of the table face up (numbers up) to be drawn from as play progresses. If any player forgets and calls a person by their real name, they must pay a penalty. (They must show their entire 'stash' to the person who 'caught' them, and that accuser can then take any one card of their choice.) (See also if 2 players land on the same spot below)
Play begins with the player to the left of the Start card.
Building Your Stash (all the cards you capture during the game)
Player 1, (i.e. Patrick Byrne) looks at the top card from the Patriot deck, and beginning at the Start Card, uses the number on that card (1 – 12), to move himself that number of spaces clockwise around the board. Wherever he lands, he must set his player card there, pick up the card he landed on, read it aloud, follow the parts that are applicable to this game, and then place the card in his stash.. ‘Patrick” leaves his card in that spot until his next turn, and a designated player immediately refills that empty spot with the top card from the Board deck, so the next player landing there will get a new card. Then the designated player also places the Patriot card (number Patrick just used to move) on the bottom of the Patriot deck so the number can be reused as play progresses.
Play goes to the left. Each player begins at the same Start Card, uses the number on the Patriot card and moves appropriately, ‘stashing’ the card they land on. If 2 players land on the same spot, the and player takes the new card that has been placed there, but 1st player there gets to ‘choose’ 1 card from 2nd player’s ‘stash’ just as described above.
As play progresses, the Board deck will run out, and then players continue moving around the board landing only on the remaining cards, which will keep diminishing as players remove them at each turn, while 'skipping over' other player's cards since they are not considered spaces to land on. The final remaining card goes to the last person to play and then the game is over and players determine their scores. More players result in smaller scores, so you may opt to give the person with the most traitor cards a smaller number of points at the end of the hand (i.e. 50 points for the most traitors instead of 100).
Download Rules for Capture
Instructions for Game 4 - MEET THE PATRIOTS
A Memory Matching Game 1 – 6 players
(This game is designed to improve player’s memories and
get to know our patriots better)
The Object of the game is to get to know the Patriots better and improve your memory skills.
This game uses the 24 Patriot cards only. After shuffling, the dealer lays out 12 cards, face down, in 3 rows of 4 cards each in the center of the table. (see layout above) The remaining 12 cards form the draw deck and are kept face down so the numbers aren’t showing.
Player 1 selects and turns over any card in the formation. Player must read aloud everything on the card and show the card to everyone, while emphasizing the card’s number, then replaces the card in the formation. (All players should try to remember where this card is in the formation.)
Player 2 selects a different card, reads it and replaces it as did player 1.
Play continues around the table until a player overturns a card with the same number as a previously turned card. At that moment, if this player remembers where the previous matching number is located, he/she can turn over the matching card. If it is, indeed the match, player removes the pair of cards and keeps them and dealer refills the 2 empty spaces with two cards from the draw deck. However if player forgets to read the 2nd matched card before play resumes, player must place both cards back into the formation. If it doesn’t match, player still reads them aloud, but then places both cards back into the formation. Reading aloud familiarizes players with the names and 'accomplishments' of the Patriots.
Winner is the player with the most matching pairs after all cards are gone.
Every card turned over must be read in its entirety before being replaced or kept by a player. This repetition will help players remember who the patriots are and what their role has been in fighting for our freedoms.
There will always be 12 cards on the ‘game board’ until the deck is depleted, and then the formation will begin to have blank spaces. Matching will become easier, but each player may only claim one pair during their turn. When the last two cards are left, the next player in line gets them, but must still read them aloud.
This game uses the 24 Patriot cards only. After shuffling, the dealer lays out 12 cards, face down, in 3 rows of 4 cards each in the center of the table. (see layout above) The remaining 12 cards form the draw deck and are kept face down so the numbers aren’t showing.
Player 1 selects and turns over any card in the formation. Player must read aloud everything on the card and show the card to everyone, while emphasizing the card’s number, then replaces the card in the formation. (All players should try to remember where this card is in the formation.)
Player 2 selects a different card, reads it and replaces it as did player 1.
Play continues around the table until a player overturns a card with the same number as a previously turned card. At that moment, if this player remembers where the previous matching number is located, he/she can turn over the matching card. If it is, indeed the match, player removes the pair of cards and keeps them and dealer refills the 2 empty spaces with two cards from the draw deck. However if player forgets to read the 2nd matched card before play resumes, player must place both cards back into the formation. If it doesn’t match, player still reads them aloud, but then places both cards back into the formation. Reading aloud familiarizes players with the names and 'accomplishments' of the Patriots.
Winner is the player with the most matching pairs after all cards are gone.
Every card turned over must be read in its entirety before being replaced or kept by a player. This repetition will help players remember who the patriots are and what their role has been in fighting for our freedoms.
There will always be 12 cards on the ‘game board’ until the deck is depleted, and then the formation will begin to have blank spaces. Matching will become easier, but each player may only claim one pair during their turn. When the last two cards are left, the next player in line gets them, but must still read them aloud.
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